Michigan Cosmetology License

Michigan Cosmetology License

If you want to verify someone’s license or to apply for a Michigan Cosmetology license, Michigan cosmetology license lookup will help you. To pursue a cosmetologist’s career, you should meet some requirements.

How do I become a licensed cosmetologist in Michigan?

The first requirement to fulfill is to be at least 17 years old and graduate from school (at least 9th grade). You must also attend and graduate from an education/training program. The program should consists of 1500 hours. These courses will teach you the level of service clients need.

You will basically be gaining practical knowledge in the beginning. The first few weeks you will need to study in the classroom. Then you will be able to work on clients and gain supervised experience.

The courses should include the followings:

  • Hair cutting
  • Hair coloring techniques
  • Chemical treatments
  • Treatments
  • Manicuring
  • Pedicuring
  • Facials
  • Waxing

If you do not desire to attend any program, there is an alternative option. You can also work as an apprentice for two years in a licensed establishment. Your instructor should train you 40 hours every week.

After completing the training program, you should take and pass some examinations. But before that, you must submit your application. You can apply and gain more information on the official website of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

When the board approves your application, you must apply to take an exam. Michigan cosmetology licensing examination is managed by PSI. You can apply online here.

The exam contains practical and theoretical parts. You must pay $161 to take both parts. If you only want to take one of the parts, then you should pay $91.

You must score at least 70% or higher to pass. The exam tests your practical skills of these services:

  • Manicure service
  • Pedicure service
  • Facial service
  • Chemical service

Please note to bring your own supplies for the examination to carry out these services. It is important to know that the state of Michigan does not claim continuing education for cosmetologists.

If you need contact information, here it is:

Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Licensing Division
PO Box 30670
Lansing, MI 48909
Telephone: 517-373-8068

How do I renew my cosmetology license in Michigan?

When your license expires, you need to renew it. You can renew and pay for it online. You will get a warning to renew your cosmetology license 60 days before your license expires.
In the state of Michigan, as of now you are not required to finish continuing education courses to renew your cosmetology license.

Since you practice cosmetology services nearly every day, that means that you do not need additional classes. That is sufficient. You only need to stay in touch with new trends and methods. It is better for you to know what is preferable in the industry and what no longer is.

How long do you have to renew your cosmetology license after it expires in Michigan?

In Michigan, you must renew your cosmetology license every two years.

Seda S

Seda S

Seda has four years of professional experience as a multilingual content writer. She employs SEO principles and rules to come up with original and SEO-friendly articles. Seda also has editing, proofreading, researching, and translating skills, which help to produce better content. She has written a number of articles for a wide range of websites that look for unique and genuine content. She has written targeted content for consumer portions, and she is specialized in writing guest posts, digital marketing, wellness, beauty, and other articles. Furthermore, she has prepared guides and helping materials for websites, which help people seeking licensure in all areas. Seda has also used brand new writing techniques and style based on the article while contributing to readability, accuracy, and tonality.